See Glass by Ido Graf WAS $5.99 NOW FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER!

See Glass by Ido Graf is a highly evocative and atmospheric thriller. Read it on your kindle today!

The action races between Spain, the UK, Germany, Liechtenstein, the Czech Republic and the USA. What would you do to survive? What would you do to become wildly rich? Would you even risk survival? If so then ask yourself, what would your price be?

Sometimes a person has no choice!

See Glass is part of the A. Wolf thriller series.

A man acting as a gamekeeper in the remote English Shires receives a telephone call from a frail old Swiss national. That European is scared!

This call sets off a chain of events which will inevitably reveal the grave danger which is about to envelope the world. How can Adam prevail against such odds?

See Glass gives us a very uncomfortable expose of the worlds current problems from Russia to Ukraine to the Middle East and Israel and their true source. It is listed as fiction, but is there more truth in it than we are given to believe?

If you like Nelson DeMille, Dan Brown, John Grisham, Lee Child or Frederick Forsyth then you will love this book.

Not a novel for the faint-hearted!

Go to your hot desk and buy Ido Graf‘s book NOW for FREE on Amazon!

Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

Ukraine Rising by Ido Graf was $3.99 NOW FREE!!!

Ukraine Rising by Ido Graf is an unusual and imagined outcome to the brutal war in Ukraine. The book follows the exploits of a brave band of men from the Ukrainian Naval Infantry Corps on their relentless journey towards the horrors of Bucha.

A cruel discovery and a fateful encounter with a Russian platoon have lifechanging effects which reverberate into the future with unexpected consequences.

The peace across Europe, shattered by a violent invasion is a matter of grave concern for us all.

Should America, the EU and NATO have seen it coming? What will the outcome be WW3 or something else – something more inspiring?

Ukraine Rising is a thoroughly thought provoking read! Buy NOW for FREE on Amazon!!!!!

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Ukraine Rising d’Ido Graf est un dénouement inhabituel et imaginaire de la guerre brutale en Ukraine. Le livre suit les exploits d’un groupe d’hommes courageux du corps d’infanterie navale ukrainien dans leur voyage implacable vers les horreurs de Boutcha.

Une découverte cruelle et une rencontre fatidique avec un peloton russe ont des effets qui changent la vie et se répercutent dans le futur avec des conséquences inattendues.

La paix dans toute l’Europe, brisée par une invasion violente, est un sujet de grave préoccupation pour nous tous.

L’Amérique, l’UE et l’OTAN auraient-elles dû le voir venir ? Quel sera le résultat de WW3 ou de quelque chose d’autre – quelque chose de plus inspirant ?

Ukraine Rising est une lecture qui suscite la réflexion ! Achetez MAINTENANT GRATUITEMENT sur Amazon !!!!

Ukraine Rising von Ido Graf ist ein ungewöhnlicher und imaginärer Ausgang des brutalen Krieges in der Ukraine. Das Buch folgt den Heldentaten einer tapferen Gruppe von Männern des ukrainischen Marine-Infanteriekorps auf ihrer unerbittlichen Reise zu den Schrecken von Butscha.

Eine grausame Entdeckung und eine schicksalhafte Begegnung mit einem russischen Zug haben lebensverändernde Auswirkungen, die mit unerwarteten Folgen in die Zukunft nachhallen.

Der Frieden in ganz Europa, der durch eine gewaltsame Invasion erschüttert wurde, ist für uns alle ein Grund zu großer Sorge.

Hätten Amerika, die EU und die NATO das kommen sehen müssen? Was wird dabei herauskommen: WW3 oder etwas anderes – etwas Inspirierenderes?

Ukraine Rising ist eine durch und durch zum Nachdenken anregende Lektüre! JETZT KOSTENLOS bei Amazon kaufen!!!!

Ukraine Rising af Ido Graf er et usædvanligt og forestillet resultat af den brutale krig i Ukraine. Bogen følger en modig gruppe mænds bedrifter fra det ukrainske flådeinfanterikorps på deres ubarmhjertige rejse mod Buchas rædsler.

En grusom opdagelse og et skæbnesvangert møde med en russisk deling har livsændrende virkninger, der giver genlyd i fremtiden med uventede konsekvenser.

Freden i hele Europa, der blev ødelagt af en voldelig invasion, giver anledning til alvorlig bekymring for os alle.

Skulle USA, EU og NATO have set det komme? Hvad bliver resultatet WW3 eller noget andet – noget mere inspirerende?

Skulle USA, EU og NATO have set det komme? Hvad bliver resultatet WW3 eller noget andet – noget mere inspirerende?

Ukraine Rising er en grundigt tankevækkende læsning! Køb NU GRATIS på Amazon!!!!

Ukraine Rising van Ido Graf is een ongewone en ingebeelde uitkomst van de wrede oorlog in Oekraïne. Het boek volgt de heldendaden van een dappere groep mannen van het Oekraïense marine-infanteriekorps op hun meedogenloze reis naar de verschrikkingen van Boetsja.

Een wrede ontdekking en een noodlottige ontmoeting met een Russisch peloton hebben levensveranderende effecten die tot in de toekomst weerklinken met onverwachte gevolgen.

De vrede in heel Europa, die door een gewelddadige invasie is verstoord, baart ons allen grote zorgen.

Ukraine Rising er en grundigt tankevækkende læsning! Køb NU GRATIS på Amazon!!!!

Hadden Amerika, de EU en de NAVO het moeten zien aankomen? Wat zal de uitkomst zijn WW3 of iets anders – iets inspirerender?

Ukraine Rising is een grondig tot nadenken stemmend boek! Koop NU GRATIS op Amazon!!!!

Ukraine Rising av Ido Graf är ett ovanligt och föreställt resultat av det brutala kriget i Ukraina. Boken följer en modig grupp män från den ukrainska marininfanterikåren på deras obevekliga resa mot fasorna i Butja.

En grym upptäckt och ett ödesdigert möte med en rysk pluton får livsförändrande effekter som ger eko in i framtiden med oväntade konsekvenser.

Freden i hela Europa, som har slagits i spillror av en våldsam invasion, är en fråga som oroar oss alla.

Borde USA, EU och Nato ha sett det komma? Vad blir resultatet WW3 eller något annat – något mer inspirerande?

Ukraine Rising är en mycket tankeväckande läsning! Köp NU GRATIS på Amazon!!!!

Ido Grafin Ukrainan nousu on epätavallinen ja kuviteltu lopputulos Ukrainan julmalle sodalle. Kirja seuraa Ukrainan merivoimien jalkaväkijoukkojen rohkean miesjoukon urotekoja heidän säälimättömällä matkallaan kohti Buchan kauhuja.

Julmalla löydöllä ja kohtalokkaalla kohtaamisella venäläisen joukkueen kanssa on elämää muuttavia vaikutuksia, jotka heijastuvat tulevaisuuteen odottamattomin seurauksin.

Väkivaltaisen hyökkäyksen särkemä rauha kaikkialla Euroopassa on vakava huolenaihe meille kaikille.

Olisiko Yhdysvaltojen, EU:n ja Naton pitänyt nähdä sen tulevan? Mikä on WW3 tai jotain muuta – jotain inspiroivampaa?

Ukraine Rising on läpikotaisin ajatuksia herättävää luettavaa! Osta NYT ILMAISEKSI Amazonista!!!!

“Ukraine Rising” Ido Grafa to niezwykłe i wyimaginowane zakończenie brutalnej wojny w Ukrainie. Książka opowiada o wyczynach dzielnej grupy mężczyzn z ukraińskiego Korpusu Piechoty Morskiej podczas ich nieustannej podróży w kierunku okropności Buczy.

Okrutne odkrycie i brzemienne w skutki spotkanie z rosyjskim plutonem mają wpływ na życie, który odbija się echem w przyszłości i ma nieoczekiwane konsekwencje.

Pokój w całej Europie, zburzony przez brutalną inwazję, jest dla nas wszystkich sprawą poważnego zaniepokojenia.

Czy Ameryka, UE i NATO powinny były to przewidzieć? Jaki będzie wynik WW3 czy coś innego – coś bardziej inspirującego?

Powstanie na Ukrainie to lektura dająca do myślenia! Kup TERAZ ZA DARMO na Amazon!!!!

Ukraine Rising de Ido Graf é um desfecho incomum e imaginário para a guerra brutal na Ucrânia. O livro acompanha as façanhas de um bravo grupo de homens do Corpo de Infantaria Naval da Ucrânia em sua jornada implacável em direção aos horrores de Bucha.

Uma descoberta cruel e um encontro fatídico com um pelotão russo têm efeitos transformadores que reverberam no futuro com consequências inesperadas.

A paz em toda a Europa, abalada por uma invasão violenta, é motivo de grande preocupação para todos nós.

Os Estados Unidos, a UE e a NATO deviam ter visto isso acontecer? Qual será o resultado da 3ª Guerra Mundial ou outra coisa – algo mais inspirador?

Ukraine Rising é uma leitura completamente instigante! Compre AGORA GRATUITAMENTE na Amazon!!!!

«Повстання України» Ідо Графа – це незвичайний та вигаданий результат жорстокої війни в Україні. Книга розповідає про подвиги хороброго загону чоловіків з Морського піхотного корпусу України під час їхньої невпинної подорожі до жахів Бучі.

Жорстоке відкриття та доленосна зустріч із російським взводом змінюють життя, які відбиваються в майбутньому з несподіваними наслідками.

Мир у всій Європі, зруйнований насильницьким вторгненням, викликає серйозне занепокоєння для всіх нас.

Чи повинні були Америка, ЄС і НАТО бачити його наближення? Чим закінчиться Третя світова війна чи щось інше – щось більш надихаюче?

«Повстання України» – це чтиво, яке змушує задуматися! Купуйте ЗАРАЗ БЕЗКОШТОВНО на Amazon!!!!

Ukraine Rising de Ido Graf es un resultado inusual e imaginario de la brutal guerra en Ucrania. El libro sigue las hazañas de un valiente grupo de hombres del Cuerpo de Infantería Naval de Ucrania en su implacable viaje hacia los horrores de Bucha.

Un cruel descubrimiento y un fatídico encuentro con un pelotón ruso tienen efectos que cambian la vida y repercuten en el futuro con consecuencias inesperadas.

La paz en toda Europa, destrozada por una violenta invasión, es motivo de grave preocupación para todos nosotros.

¿Deberían haberlo visto venir Estados Unidos, la UE y la OTAN? ¿Cuál será el resultado de la Tercera Guerra Mundial o algo más, algo más inspirador?

¡Ukraine Rising es una lectura que invita a la reflexión! ¡Cómpralo AHORA GRATIS en Amazon!!!!

Ido Grafa “Ukraine Rising” ir neparasts un iedomāts iznākums brutālajam karam Ukrainā. Grāmata seko drosmīgas vīru grupas ekspluatācijai no Ukrainas Jūras kājnieku korpusa viņu nerimstošajā ceļojumā uz Bučas šausmām.

Nežēlīgam atklājumam un liktenīgai sastapšanās ar krievu pulku ir dzīvi mainošas sekas, kas atbalsojas nākotnē ar negaidītām sekām.

Miers visā Eiropā, ko satricinājis vardarbīgs iebrukums, rada nopietnas bažas mums visiem.

Vai Amerikai, ES un NATO vajadzēja redzēt, kā tas nāk? Kāds būs iznākums WW3 vai kaut kas cits – kaut kas iedvesmojošāks?

Ukraine Rising ir pamatīgi pārdomas rosinoša lasāmviela! Pērciet TAGAD BEZ MAKSAS vietnē Amazon!!!!

אוקראינה עולה מאת עידו גרף היא תוצאה יוצאת דופן ומדומיינת למלחמה האכזרית באוקראינה. הספר עוקב אחר מעלליה של חבורת גברים אמיצים מחיל הרגלים של הצי האוקראיני במסעם הבלתי פוסק לעבר זוועות בוצ’ה.

לתגלית אכזרית ולמפגש גורלי עם מחלקה רוסית יש השפעות משנות חיים אשר מהדהדות אל העתיד עם תוצאות בלתי צפויות.

השלום ברחבי אירופה, שהתנפץ על ידי פלישה אלימה, הוא עניין של דאגה חמורה לכולנו.

האם אמריקה, האיחוד האירופי ונאט”ו היו צריכים לראות את זה מגיע? מה תהיה התוצאה של מלחמת העולם השלישית או משהו אחר – משהו מעורר השראה יותר?

אוקראינה עולה היא קריאה מעוררת מחשבה יסודית! קנה עכשיו בחינם באמזון!!!!


Ukraine Rising by Ido Graf

Ukraine Rising by Ido Graf is set during the current Russian Invasion of Ukraine. It is a short story which follows a small band of Marines from the Ukrainian Naval Infantry Corps. They are making their way to Bucha. Unknown to them they are on a collision path with a Russian infantry platoon and its brutal Corporal. The cruelty of what occurs changes lives …forever!

The Ukrainian Marine platoon Sergeant Marko Domitrovich survives but he follows a tragic path.

It also has a bizarre impact on the future of the planet.

A quick read with a profound impact. Buy Ukraine Rising on Amazon.


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Free Thriller Kindle book on With relevance to the Russian Ukraine War!

Tell your friends too!

The Kindle e-book spy & political thriller See Glass by Ido Graf is currently available FREE for two more days on

Descriptions of this book on Amazon include:

‘Spine tingling thriller about how neo-Nazism and fascism is still alive. A page, turning thriller that keeps you guessing if this is really a possibility of occurring.’

‘A great read!’

‘I recommend this book to David Baldacci readers and all my book worm friends.’

‘It took only two and a half days to finish this exceptional thriller. I lost a good bit of sleep during the reading but it was worth it.’

‘I really enjoyed this novel. It was just what I expected but had quite a few twists. Ill look for other books by idol Graf’

‘One of the few books that I’ve read that doesn’t leave any questions unanswered. Very well written spy/adventure novel that takes the reader all over the world with an ever-present sense of urgency.’

‘If you like Ken Follett, give this book a look. It’s a fantastic read and will have you tied to the pages’

‘WHAT A FANTASTIC AUTHOR. This book is wonderful! The plot was put together in brilliant order. Conspiracies abound and the story is quite compelling. I’m happy to have read it!’

The book is a spy thriller which has great resonance within todays world, particularly with what is going on in Vladimir Putin‘s war between Russia and Ukraine which has drawn in Europe and the USA.

Though apparently a work of fiction the novel has been meticulously plotted and is based on fact.

The action starts in Andalusia in Southern Spain in the modern era. However, the investigative journalist who uncovers the story finds that it dates back to the end of WW2 in the flames of Nazi Berlin.

A fully believable plot is hatched at that time which alters the future of our world. The fast-paced action passes through fascinating locations in Europe, the Middle East, Russia, South America and the USA.

Does this book foretell the war with Russia in Ukraine and the rise of the Far Right in Europe and America? Read this Kindle ebook for FREE and find out for yourself?

See Glass by Ido Graf is also available as an audiobook On Amazon or Audible) or as a paperback or hardback book.

Buy NOW to get this fascinating Kindle e-book thriller free! Why not tell your friends too!

Evocative photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash

Polar Star by Martin Cruz Smith

After readying Gorky Park, I couldn’t wait to read the next in the Arkady Renko series, Polar Star.

Arkady Renko had made many enemies. He had been the top investigator in Moscow, but now, his party membership removed, he was forced to work in Siberia, where so many others had perished.

He was detailed to toil on a Soviet factory ship which fished the deathly cold waters between Siberia and Alaska, the Bering Sea.

No longer the great criminal man, but now a second-class seaman with a dark past.

Following an enigmatic death of a crew member, the captain gives Renko the chance of a kind of redemption. The woman’s dead body had been hauled in among the fish taken up by the net. The matter is puzzling but has the feel of murder rather than misadventure.

Renko faces desperate odds and an almost unsolvable crime with implications which go beyond the borders of Mother Russia.

Polar Star is another superb novel by author Martin Cruz Smith.

‘Impossible to put down . . . a book of heart-stopping suspense and intricate plotting, but also a meticulously researched, ambitious literary work of great distinction.’   The Detroit News

‘Polar Star is not merely the work of our best writer of suspense, but one of our best writers, period’    New York Times

‘Splendid … . the reader will be kept guessing to the end’ Evening Standard

‘Stunning.’   The New York Times Book Review

‘Martin Cruz Smith writes the most inventive thrillers of anyone in the first rank of thriller writers.’   The Washington Post Book World

‘Gripping . . . absorbing.’   The Philadelphia Inquirer

‘Cruz Smith’s ability is to tell both a thriller and a novel at once, without losing either strand. There are whispers of Conrad and Graham Greene in this novel’   Sydney Morning Herald

Moskva by Jack Grimwood

Moscow thriller novel

Moscow thriller novel

Jack Grimwood is a British writer who was born in Malta. His novel, Moskva, is a taut serial killer thriller and a magnificent piece of fiction.

In the mid-1980s a body of a naked man is found, it’s right hand little finger missing. It’s location, just beside the exterior of the wall of the Kremlin.

Shortly afterwards a fifteen year old girl vanishes. It is particularly concerning because she is the daughter of the British Ambassador.

Recently posted to Moscow, the disgraced military officer, Tom Fox, is entrusted with finding her. He sees a chance to redeem himself. However, the Soviets will not acknowledge the serial killer and cannot identify him and they do not want Fox poking his nose in.

The Soviets are determined to keep a lid on things and to hide the evil that lurks within their system.

Fox is on a race against time to prevent the girl from becoming the next murder victim.

This Cold War thriller is cleverly plotted and beautifully written, evoking another time and another place.

If his fiction novel, Moskva, is anything to go by then Jack Grimwood is a man to watch….and most definitely to read!

Photo by Nikolay Vorobyev on Unsplash