The Racketeer by John Grisham

The Rackateer by John Grishm

The Racketeer by John Grishm

The Racketeer thriller by John Grisham tell the story of the life of Federal Judge Raymond Fogletree and his sudden and mysterious death. It’s surprising that these Judges don’t run into more difficulties when considering the enormity of the cases they deal with and the, sometimes, severe sentences they have to hand down to very dangerous individuals and organisations.

John Grisham states that in the USA only four active Federal Judges had previously been murdered, someone had just increased it to five.

The Judge’s body, along with that of his young secretary had been found in his lakeside cabin in the basement. The FBI had found the bodies after being alerted to the Judges disappearance by his law clerk. The clerk had become worried when the Judge didn’t turn up for Court on the previous Monday morning. The FBI checked the crime scene and found no forced entry and no indication of a struggle. Only the bodies showed evidence of a crime and the FBI felt it was someone close who had committed it.

The storyteller did not know the Judge but he did know why h was killed and who had done killed him. The only problem, a fellow lawyer, he now languished in prison.

The Racketeer is a piece of murder, mystery fiction which has a dark Noir feel to it. As always a tense and clever plot which has strong currents flowing through it. Well worth a read. Well done Grisham!

Spennutryllirinn Racketeer eftir John Grisham segir frá lífi sambandsdómara Raymond Fogletree og skyndilegs og dularfulls dauða hans. Það kemur á óvart að þessir dómarar lenda ekki í meiri erfiðleikum þegar þeir taka tillit til mikils mála sem þeir fjalla um og stundum þungra dóma sem þeir þurfa að dæma mjög hættulegum einstaklingum og samtökum.

John Grisham fullyrðir að í Bandaríkjunum hafi aðeins fjórir virkir alríkisdómarar áður verið myrtir, einhver hefði bara fjölgað þeim í fimm.

Lík dómarans ásamt líki ungs ritara hans höfðu fundist í skála hans við vatnið í kjallaranum. Alríkislögreglan FBI hafði fundið líkin eftir að lögregluvörður hans var látinn vita að dómararnir hvarf. Afgreiðslumaðurinn hafði orðið áhyggjufullur þegar dómarinn mætti ​​ekki fyrir dóminn á mánudagsmorguninn á undan. FBI kannaði glæpavettvanginn og fann enga þvingaða inngöngu og engar vísbendingar um baráttu. Aðeins líkin sýndu vísbendingar um glæp og FBI fannst að það væri einhver náinn sem hefði framið það.

Sögumaðurinn þekkti ekki dómara en hann vissi af hverju  var drepinn og hver hafði drepið hann. Eina vandamálið, samstarfsmaður lögfræðings, hvílir nú í fangelsi.

The Racketeer er morð, leyndardómsskáldskapur sem hefur dökka Noir -tilfinningu. Eins og alltaf spennuþrungin og snjöll söguþráður sem hefur sterka strauma sem flæða í gegnum hana. Vel þess virði að lesa. Vel gert Grisham!

Photo by David Valuja on Unsplash
