The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz

The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz is a masterful novel set in a strange world.

The story is of a guy who is just to nice for this world and who is a victim for that reason. Unable to look after himself …help comes in an unexpected form.

Mysterious forces are contriving to destroy poor Benny. But, Spike, is on hand to help in this supernatural fantasy novel. Spike is a seven foot tall mountain of power.

This is a strange read which is out of the norm for me. However, it is also very satisfying in that it pushes the boundaries and delves into an imaginary world from a novelist at the top of his game, Dean Koontz.

Just give Dean Koontz a try!

Photo by J W on Unsplash

Blowback by Brad Thor

Brad Thor is a #1 New York Times bestselling fiction author. He has written twenty-one thrillers, including Spymaster, Near Dark, Backlash, and The Last Patriot. His plots are intricate and clever and his writing style is utterly engaging.

Blowback is a highly original novel by Brad Thor. Suddenly the greatest danger to the USA becomes a weapon designed to be used to destroy the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago.

Scot Harvath’s career is in freefall as the administration has terminated him. However, the US President has to rehire him if he is to protect America. Harvath heads for the Mediterranean and begins to track a shadowy organization that has been trying to source a weapon that will finally deal with the West and the Americans in particular. Following several heatwaves, a melting glacier has given up a hidden secret. The story has a very international feel as it races through the exotic Mediterranean island of Cyprus, Italy, Switzerland, London and Paris, and Saudi Arabia.

Can the world be saved by Scot Harvath?

Read the Brad Thor book to find out in this truly ground-breaking novel. The book, Blowback, is available as an audiobook, kindle e-book, paperback, and hardback.

If you enjoy the novels of Brad Thor then why not try See Glass by Ido Graf? A political thriller that will blow your mind!

Photo by Andres Herrera on Unsplash

Win by Harlan Coben

Harlan Coben is a world class thriller writer whose novels have been adapted for the the silver screen by Netflix Studios.

This book features his new hero Windsor Horne Lockwood III, or Win as he is known.

An heiress, Patricia Lockwood, was kidnapped two decades previously. She escaped along with those who captured her. .The proceeds of the robbery went unfound.

Then a New York recluse murdered in his penthouse apartment. Items at the crime scene throw light on the Lockwood kidnapping and on another another FBI cold case. They implicate one man.

Windsor Horne Lockwood III or ‘Win’ has no idea how his suitcase and his family’s stolen Vermeer ended up in the dead man’s apartment. When the FBI tell him that the perpetrator who is still at large and who kidnapped his cousin may also be a terrorist his interest is ignited.

Other writers have said of Harlan Coben that he:

‘…is the modern master of the hook and twist’ Dan Brown

‘…never ever lets you down’ Lee Child

‘…is one of the world’s finest thriller writers’ Peter James

You can’t beat reviews like that from some of the other world best selling authors.

Harlan Coben is a superb writer and I look forward to every new fiction book he writes. If you enjoy conspiracy books and political thrillers then keep reading my blog for updates on exciting new authors!

Hush-Hush by Stuart Woods

Hush-Hush by Stuart Woods has been placed as number 3 on the New York Times bestseller list under combined Print & E-book Fiction. It was placed number 5 on The Washington Post Best Sellers Books USA Today.

Stuart Woods is an enormously prolific writer of fiction. Hush- Hush is a Stone Barrington novel.

Stone Barrington confronts a rival in this fast-paced thriller from this astonishing author who produces four novels a year, many of them New York Times bestsellers. Quite astonishing.

Ready to relax in New York City, an anonymous enemy makes suddenly makes contact with Barrington. The threats are very real and immediate and before Barrington can do something about them the unknown adversaries threats turn very very real.

Assisted by friends and colleagues Barrington is keen to uncover the truth of the adversaries agenda.

Barrington incresingly comes to the realisation that he is in great danger and his adversary is immensely cunning.

Stuart Woods is a well respected and highly talented writer who crafts clever novels with twisting lots that keep a reader guessing.

If you enjoyed this novel then you may also enjoy the political thriller, See Glass by Ido Graf which tells of a conspiracy between right-wing neo-Nazis, the US President and the Russian President..

Daylight by David Baldacci

Daylight is the new fiction book by talented writer David Baldacci.

Daylight is the New York Times bestseller and sequel to Long Road to Mercy and A Minute to Midnight . The novel features FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine. Pine hunts for Mercy, her twin sister, becoming embroiled with a military investigators case. It leads into a global conspiracy.

The new book by David Baldacci is a masterpiece of the writing craft that leads the reader through an intricate plot with worldwide implications.

A book which is well worth a read!

Daylight es el nuevo libro de ficción del talentoso escritor David Baldacci.

Daylight es el bestseller del New York Times y la secuela de Long Road to Mercy y A Minute to Midnight. La novela presenta a la agente especial del FBI Atlee Pine. Pine busca a Mercy, su hermana gemela, y se ve envuelta en un caso de investigadores militares. Conduce a una conspiración global.

El nuevo libro de David Baldacci es una obra maestra del oficio de la escritura que guía al lector a través de una intrincada trama con implicaciones mundiales.

¡Un libro que vale la pena leer!

Daylight est le nouveau livre de fiction du talentueux écrivain David Baldacci.

Daylight est le best-seller du New York Times et la suite de Long Road to Mercy et A Minute to Midnight. Le roman présente l’agent spécial du FBI Atlee Pine. Pine est à la recherche de Mercy, sa sœur jumelle, mêlée à une affaire d’enquêteurs militaires. Cela conduit à une conspiration mondiale.

Le nouveau livre de David Baldacci est un chef-d’œuvre de l’art de l’écriture qui guide le lecteur à travers une intrigue complexe aux implications mondiales.

Un livre qui vaut la peine d’être lu!

Daylight ist das neue Fiction-Buch des talentierten Schriftstellers David Baldacci.

Daylight ist der Bestseller der New York Times und die Fortsetzung von Long Road to Mercy und A Minute to Midnight. Der Roman zeigt FBI-Spezialagent Atlee Pine. Pine jagt nach Mercy, ihrer Zwillingsschwester, und wird in einen Fall von Militärermittlern verwickelt. Es führt zu einer globalen Verschwörung.

Das neue Buch von David Baldacci ist ein Meisterwerk des Schreibhandwerks, das den Leser durch eine komplizierte Handlung mit weltweiten Auswirkungen führt.

Ein Buch, das es wert ist, gelesen zu werden!

Daylight ist das neue Fiction-Buch des talentierten Schriftstellers David Baldacci.

Daylight ist der Bestseller der New York Times und die Fortsetzung von Long Road to Mercy und A Minute to Midnight. Der Roman zeigt FBI-Spezialagent Atlee Pine. Pine jagt nach Mercy, ihrer Zwillingsschwester, und wird in einen Fall von Militärermittlern verwickelt. Es führt zu einer globalen Verschwörung.

Das neue Buch von David Baldacci ist ein Meisterwerk des Schreibhandwerks, das den Leser durch eine komplizierte Handlung mit weltweiten Auswirkungen führt.

Ein Buch, das es wert ist, gelesen zu werden!…

Daylight is het nieuwe fictieboek van de getalenteerde schrijver David Baldacci.

Daylight is de bestseller van de New York Times en het vervolg op Long Road to Mercy en A Minute to Midnight. De roman bevat FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine. Pine jaagt op Mercy, haar tweelingzus, die verwikkeld raakt in een zaak van een militaire rechercheur. Het leidt tot een wereldwijde samenzwering.

Het nieuwe boek van David Baldacci is een meesterwerk van het schrijfvak dat de lezer door een ingewikkeld plot leidt met wereldwijde implicaties.

Een boek dat het lezen waard is!

Päivänvalo on lahjakkaan kirjailijan David Baldaccin uusi fiktiokirja.

Päivänvalo on New York Timesin bestselleri ja jatko Pitkälle tielle armoon ja Minuutti keskiyöhön. Romaanissa on FBI: n erityisagentti Atlee Pine. Mänty etsii Mercyä, hänen kaksoissisartaan, sotkeutuen sotilastutkijoiden tapaukseen. Se johtaa maailmanlaajuiseen salaliittoon.

David Baldaccin uusi kirja on kirjoituskoneen mestariteos, joka johtaa lukijan monimutkaisen juoni läpi maailmanlaajuisesti.

Kirja, joka on lukemisen arvoinen!

Daylight è il nuovo libro di narrativa del talentuoso scrittore David Baldacci.

Daylight è il bestseller del New York Times e sequel di Long Road to Mercy e A Minute to Midnight. Il romanzo presenta l’agente speciale dell’FBI Atlee Pine. Pine va a caccia di Mercy, sua sorella gemella, coinvolta in un caso di investigatori militari. Conduce a una cospirazione globale.

Il nuovo libro di David Baldacci è un capolavoro del mestiere di scrittura che guida il lettore attraverso una trama intricata con implicazioni mondiali.

Un libro che vale la pena leggere!


Daylightは、ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラーであり、Long Road toMercyとAMinute toMidnightの続編です。 小説はFBI特別捜査官アトリーパインを備えています。 パインは双子の妹であるマーシーを捜索し、軍の捜査官の事件に巻き込まれました。 それは世界的な陰謀につながります。


Daylight huwa l-ktieb ġdid ta ‘finzjoni mill-kittieb b’talent David Baldacci.

Daylight huwa l-aqwa bejjiegħ tan-New York Times u segwiment għal Long Road to Mercy u A Minute to Midnight. Ir-rumanz fih l-Aġent Speċjali tal-FBI Atlee Pine. L-arżnu jfittex lil Mercy, oħt it-tewmin tagħha, imdawra b’każ ta ’investigaturi militari. Dan iwassal għal konspirazzjoni globali.

Il-ktieb il-ġdid ta ’David Baldacci huwa kapulavur tal-inġenju tal-kitba li jmexxi lill-qarrej permezz ta’ komplott kumplikat b’implikazzjonijiet mad-dinja kollha.

Ktieb li jiswa jaqra sew!

Dagslys er den nye skjønnlitterære boka av talentfulle forfatteren David Baldacci.

Daylight er New York Times bestselger og oppfølger til Long Road to Mercy og A Minute to Midnight. Romanen inneholder FBIs spesialagent Atlee Pine. Pine jakter på Mercy, tvillingsøsteren hennes, og blir involvert i en militær etterforskersak. Det fører til en global konspirasjon.

Den nye boken av David Baldacci er et mesterverk av skrivehåndverket som leder leseren gjennom et intrikat plot med verdensomspennende implikasjoner.

En bok som er vel verdt å lese!

Daylight to nowa książka fabularna utalentowanego pisarza Davida Baldacciego.

Daylight to bestseller New York Timesa i kontynuacja Long Road to Mercy i A Minute to Midnight. W powieści występuje agent specjalny FBI Atlee Pine. Pine poluje na Mercy, swoją siostrę bliźniaczkę, wplątaną w sprawę wojskowych śledczych. Prowadzi do globalnej konspiracji.

Nowa książka Davida Baldacciego to arcydzieło kunsztu pisarskiego, które prowadzi czytelnika przez zawiłą fabułę o ogólnoświatowych implikacjach.

Książka, którą warto przeczytać!

Daylight é o novo livro de ficção do talentoso escritor David Baldacci.

Daylight é o best-seller do New York Times e a sequência de Long Road to Mercy e A Minute to Midnight. O romance apresenta o agente especial do FBI Atlee Pine. Pine caça Mercy, sua irmã gêmea, envolvendo-se em um caso de investigadores militares. Isso leva a uma conspiração global.

O novo livro de David Baldacci é uma obra-prima da arte da escrita que conduz o leitor por um enredo intrincado com implicações mundiais.

Um livro que vale a pena ler!

Daylight är den nya fiktionboken av den begåvade författaren David Baldacci.

Daylight är New York Times bästsäljare och uppföljare till Long Road to Mercy och A Minute to Midnight. Romanen innehåller FBIs specialagent Atlee Pine. Tall jagar efter Mercy, hennes tvillingsyster, och blir inblandad i ett militärutredningsärende. Det leder till en global konspiration.

Den nya boken av David Baldacci är ett mästerverk av skrivhantverket som leder läsaren genom en invecklad plot med världsomspännande implikationer.

En bok som är väl värt att läsa!

Daylight är den nya fiktionboken av den begåvade författaren David Baldacci.

Daylight är New York Times bästsäljare och uppföljare till Long Road to Mercy och A Minute to Midnight. Romanen innehåller FBIs specialagent Atlee Pine. Tall jagar efter Mercy, hennes tvillingsyster, och blir inblandad i ett militärutredningsärende. Det leder till en global konspiration.

Den nya boken av David Baldacci är ett mästerverk av skrivhantverket som leder läsaren genom en invecklad plot med världsomspännande implikationer.

En bok som är väl värt att läsa!

Daylight yw’r llyfr ffuglen newydd gan yr awdur talentog David Baldacci.

Daylight yw llyfrwerthwr a dilyniant New York Times i Long Road to Mercy a A Minute to Midnight. Mae’r nofel yn cynnwys Atlee Pine, Asiant Arbennig FBI. Mae pinwydd yn hela am Mercy, ei gefaill, yn cael ei frodio ag achos ymchwilwyr milwrol. Mae’n arwain at gynllwyn byd-eang.

Mae’r llyfr newydd gan David Baldacci yn gampwaith o’r grefft ysgrifennu sy’n arwain y darllenydd trwy blot cymhleth gyda goblygiadau ledled y byd.

Llyfr sy’n werth ei ddarllen!

Fiction paperback Bestsellers of 2020

This is my selection of paperback fiction, thriller crime, mystery bestsellers so far in 2020.

American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins

Sea Glass - My best fiction books 2020

See Glass by Ido Graf

One Minute Out by Mark Greaney

Blindside by James Patterson and James O. Born

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas

Walk The Wire by David Baldacci

The 20th Victim  by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Hideaway by Nora Roberts

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

The Summer House by James Patterson and Brendan DuBois

Masked Prey by John Sandford

Camino Winds by John Grisham

Near Dark by Brad Thor

Golden in Death by J.D. Robb

The Boy from the Woods by Harlan Coben

These top fiction novels are the best of the best and are well worth a read. Many of them appear in the Washington Post bestsellers and New York Times bestsellers lists or on Amazon.

Though my main interest is in paperback books. Most of the above novels are available as audiobooks through Audible or one of the other companies or as eBooks.

Many of us are working or not at home, are taking staycations or some even holidays and we are keen to read more in our downtime.

I have tried to give you a wide selection of thriller writers work from both industry giants and relative newcomers.

Reading fiction is a great way to spend your time and to grow. It is now available in large print, paperback, hardback, e-book and audiobook.

The Boy from the Woods bestseller of 2020 by Harlan Coben

The Boy from the Woods is a great novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author Harlan Coben.

This thriller details a missing teenager and the impact of her disappearance on those around her.

A mysterious man, Wilde, has much to consider. Many years before he was found living in the woods. He had no memory of his past and he was fostered eventually as the police could find no trace of his family.

Wilde’s world has gone full circle and many years on he lives, once more, alone, in the woods on the periphery of town. Alone and distrusted – separated from his neighbors.

A TV celebrity lawyer called Hester Crimstein tries to get Wilde to assist in finding the girl.  Tensions rise as a team of ex-military security experts comes to town. Wilde faces intense challenges and walls of silence in this taut cleverly constructed thriller from a top fiction thriller writer, Harlan Coben.

The Boy from the Woods is a great New York Times best seller book and certainly a great read!

One Minute Out by best seller author, Mark Greaney

Mark Greaney is a best selling fiction author and New York Times bestseller. He co-authored Tom Clancy Jack Ryan Novels and is a great writer. One Minute Out is a superb novel with a gripping yarn and beautiful writing style.

The Gray Man, a supremely dangerous assassin is at the heart of this tightly written thriller.

Court Gentry discovers a human trafficking ring while in Croatia. The story doesn’t end there but leads all the way back to Hollywood.

Gentry has a mission to obliterate the ring, but others, in the CIA, have other plans. They have difficult decisions to make. The ringleader of the organisation can give them information about a potential attack on the USA by terrorists.

The information is too important to lose …it will not be lost!

One Minute Out is a superb novel by a superb writer, Mark Greaney, who I can thoroughly recommend.

Many of us are reading much more in these days of virus – Stranger than Fiction!

This is certainly one to read!

The Rooster Bar by John Grisham

The Rooster Bar by John Grisham.

What’s to say about John Grisham – except SUPERB! Some of my favourite books and films.

The Rooster Bar is another winner and is utterly engrossing.

It’s an ingenious novel relating to a group of third year law students Zola, Mark and Todd who spend much of their spare time in The Rooster Bar where Todd serves drinks.

They realise that they have been conned. They went heavily into debt borrowing money to pay for the courses at a poor law school where the graduates rarely pass the final bar exams and then get low grade jobs when they do.

They find out that the law school is one of a group of them owned by a dodgy hedge fund in New York who also specialise in student loans.

Deciding that they want to get their own back, they realise that there may also be a way to make some cash into the bargain.

The Rooster Club is a great novel by a fabulously inventive international writer, John Grisham.

The Rooster Bar de John Grisham.

Qué decir de John Grisham, excepto ¡EXCELENTE! Algunos de mis libros y películas favoritos.

The Rooster Bar es otro ganador y es absolutamente fascinante.

Es una novela ingeniosa relacionada con un grupo de estudiantes de derecho de tercer año, Zola, Mark y Todd, que pasan gran parte de su tiempo libre en The Rooster Bar, donde Todd sirve bebidas.

Se dan cuenta de que han sido estafados. Se endeudaron mucho pidiendo dinero prestado para pagar los cursos en una escuela de derecho pobre donde los graduados rara vez aprueban los exámenes finales de la abogacía y luego obtienen trabajos de baja calificación cuando lo hacen.

Descubren que la facultad de derecho forma parte de un grupo de propiedad de un fondo de cobertura poco fiable en Nueva York que también se especializa en préstamos para estudiantes.

Al decidir que quieren recuperar lo suyo, se dan cuenta de que también puede haber una forma de hacer algo de dinero en efectivo.

The Rooster Club es una gran novela de un escritor de ficción de suspenso fabulosamente inventivo, John Grisham.

Origin by Dan Brown

Origin by Dan Brown.

Dan Brown writes another in the Robert Langdon series following on from Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol, and Inferno.

It is a novel full of twists and turns which keeps you guessing. Langdon, the well-known Harvard professor of symbology and religious iconology, is invited to Bilbao in Spain to an event at the Guggenheim Museum. Edmond Kirsch, a former student of Langdon, is to give, what he calls, a major announcement which, ‘will change the face of science forever’ and which will answer two of life’s most enduring questions…’Where did we come from?’ and ‘Where are we going?’

The billionaire is a futurist who puts forth incredible high-tech inventions and who makes spectacular predictions.

The event turns to chaos and Kirsch’s controversial discoveries are at risk of being lost.

Langdon is shocked and is forced to escape Bilbao with Ambra Vidal, the director of the museum who worked with Kirsch to organise the event. In search of a secret password that will unlock Kirsch’s secret, they escape to Barcelona. Two world religious leaders, Jewish Rabbi Yehuda Köves, and Islamic Imam Syed al-Fadl are killed.

Langdon is under constant threat from fanatics and an enemy that will not stop. The Spanish throne is implicated in this race to uncover Kirsch’s incredible discovery.

Dan Brown is a highly inventive writer and Origin is sure to be another major success for this great writer of thriller fiction.